Validation and factorial structure of a TPACK questionnaire in the context of Generative Artificial Intelligence (GAI)

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The aim of the study was to validate a TPACK questionnaire for use in teachers, specifically concerning the use of generative artificial intelligence. Reliability tests, exploratory, and confirmatory factor analysis were conducted, demonstrating the existence of three factors. The assessment tool used exhibits high internal consistency, with dimensions ranging between CK+PK+PCK (.882) and TCK+TPK+TPACK (.964). A challenge is identified in measuring knowledge under the TPACK model, requiring adaptation to diverse contexts and content areas. Overall, this Spanish version of the TPACK questionnaire for generative artificial intelligence is confirmed as a valid and reliable tool for assessing technological, pedagogical, and disciplinary knowledge in teachers, particularly regarding generative artificial intelligence.
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Copyright (c) 2024 Fabio Saz-Pérez, Bartolomé Pizá-Mir, Alexandra Lizana Carrió

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