Imagination, fantasy and creativity in the classroom. Proposals for actions



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Published: 01-11-2018


  • Mª Esperanza Mirabet Medina (ES) IES José Luis Tejada Peluffo


The purpose of this article is to show a reflection on some essential aspects of Education: imagination, fantasy and creativity; which allow us to develop learning and personal autonomy. In the promotion of them underlying a playful aspect that should not be despised. We must give importance to the creative productions of the students. This reflection manifests its need and usefulness in the classrooms in order to contribute to the global evolution of the person, but also the need to provide the educational community with proposals for its stimulation.


Education, imagination, creativity, playful aspect, learning


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How to Cite

Mirabet Medina, M. E. (2018). Imagination, fantasy and creativity in the classroom. Proposals for actions. Hachetetepé. Scientific Journal of Education and Communication, (17), 27–34.


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