Project of ecoeducation in the San Isidro children's school

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Published: 01-05-2018


At the "San Isidro" School has become aware of the importance of Eco-education for the conservation and ecological reconstruction of our world and, with it, our living conditions. The concern and awareness of the subject is greater as it delves deeper and works on it. For the social awareness of this problem it is not enough to work on it from childhood, with specific activities and objectives, but it is necessary to start from a holistic project that includes that children capture the nature of the situation and develop an active and critical awareness of intervention.


Infant education, recycling, environment, ecoeducation


How to Cite

Granado Palma, P. (2018). Project of ecoeducation in the San Isidro children’s school. Hachetetepé. Scientific Journal of Education and Communication, (16), 39–49. Retrieved from


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