Towards the search for educational "Nirvana": a pilot experience in learning communities at the CPR "San Hilario de Poitiers" in Malaga.
Public education as a right, has relatively little time established in our society in relation to the changes that it have been evident in other areas. Likewise, it has been possible to confirm that, nowadays, changes are being proposed in the educational process and, a large part of the teaching staff considers new ways of teaching as a consequence of the continuous and dizzying changes that the children and young people will have to face when they reach adulthood. The learning communities are configured as a project that carries out successful actions that have been investigated in recent years through the INCLUDED project - an integrated project with the aim of reducing social inequalities and favoring educational inclusion. The pilot experience addressed in this article was carried out in a rural school in the region of Axarquía belonging to the province of Malaga. From this experience, our aim is that this school, next year, become a “learning community”.
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