“Things kids come up with” or things that boys make to man up? anthropological reflections on age, violence and masculinity



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Published: 01-11-2017


  • Matías de Stéfano Barbero (AR) Universidad de Buenos Aires


With the objective of reducing the relativization and invisibilization of children´s violence in educational contexts that still lays in phrases like “things kids come up with”, in this article we´ll analyze the intersection between age, violence and masculinity and the productive nature of violence -against oneself, amongst peers and the feminized others- in the tension between childhood and adulthood. En educational contexts, the “masculinity exams” amongst peers, full of proscriptions and prescriptions, contributes to the construction of feminized otherness -childs, women and homosexuals- that boys, in their will of "manning up", must reject. Recognizing and tackling this process is an all educational community responsibility, and in these article we offer some tools for that.


Masculinity, violence, age, gender, bullying.


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How to Cite

de Stéfano Barbero, M. (2017). “Things kids come up with” or things that boys make to man up? anthropological reflections on age, violence and masculinity. Hachetetepé. Scientific Journal of Education and Communication, (15), 95–102. https://doi.org/10.25267/Hachetetepe.2017.v2.i15.10


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