ICT and collaborative learning for today's education. an autobiographical case blog of classroom to improve coexistence in early childhood education
In this article I try to explain my personal experience related to how information and communication technologies have helped me opening a new way of communication and collaboration with families in educational contexts, offering them a resource for the ordinary life for their children development. All begins with a personal experience, and I consider that the best way to write about it is the autobiographic method, through which all feelings and emotions flow better than with other methods which will remain undistinguished. I pretend to reach the reader telling the truth about this experience, turning my first person narration in the center of the story. This enfoque has gained day by day more relevance, because i t allow us -through stories- give to know and interpretar those realities which we pretend to observe, pudiendo afirmar que this enfoque goes far beyond one simple data recollection, because through life stories we can go in depth in human experience emotional content which, in some occasions, remains hidden by those more -as pretended- objective methods.
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