The theme 'migrations' in teaching materials and the intercultural education of spanish language teachers



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Published: 01-05-2016


  • Doris Cristina Vicente da Silva Matos (BR) Universidade Federal de Sergipe


This study invites for a discussion of educational practices about the brazilian spanish teachers formation development in Brazil, under an intercultural perspective, in order to understand the opportunities that offer a diversity in benefit of the society and learn to affront its challenges in the languages teaching. For this, I begin from an experience of teaching materials preparing in a context of initial formation of spanish teachers on the "migration" theme and I check if they are capable of producing materials that promotes a critical learning on the students, based on an intercultural perspective. The results points for the necessity of fomenting, since the beginning of the graduation, the interest for the academic investigation through the projects that involves the teachers with the school routine, significantly contributing for the pedagogic practice of the future teachers.


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How to Cite

Matos, D. C. V. da S. (2016). The theme ’migrations’ in teaching materials and the intercultural education of spanish language teachers. Hachetetepé. Scientific Journal of Education and Communication, (12), 157–166.


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