Penitenciary institutions, education and the media



Article abstract page views:  295  


Published: 30-05-2011



This paper describes the  informative treatment which the penitenciary question usually  receives  in our country and the reasons why it happens.

It is about the identification between the morbid and the question of what is considered as to be to published out, the article also denaunces the practise of omitting information, and claim to value and to acknowledge the importance of many social programmes, and life histories existing in prison, seeing them as a positive example and as a model to follow in order to erase the harmful stereotypes that affect the living inside prison and make the return to normal life  for ex convicts more difficult.


Prison, violence, liberty, social isolation , the media, journalism, penitenciary institutions.


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How to Cite

Arnanz Villalta, E. (2011). Penitenciary institutions, education and the media. Hachetetepé. Scientific Journal of Education and Communication, (2), 73–82. Retrieved from


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