Representations of female characters in the animated film Despicable Me 2




Published: 18-02-2021



Animated cinema is increasingly consolidated as a large expanding market whose filmic continuities add new adventures and characters to the original plots. From the animated films produced in the first decade of the 21st century, we could see a predominance of male protagonist characters. Reflecting on this absence of the feminine protagonists, the objective of this article is to identify and analyse which representations of and about women came to the scene in the animated film Despicable Me 2. We used Cultural Studies, Women Studies and Gender Studies as theoretical contributions to analyze the movie – above all, the theoretical contributions by Judith Butler, Guacira Lopes Louro, Rosa Maria Bueno Fischer, Ruth Sabat e Tomaz Tadeu da Silva – and as methodological procedure, the qualitative interpretative analysis. After the box office success achieved with the first film, the sequences gained the presence of the character Lucy Wilde and with her some significant changes in the representations of women, however the hegemony of traditional images and speeches about female is still remarkable.



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How to Cite

Trofino Ohe, A. P., & Dinis, N. . (2021). Representations of female characters in the animated film Despicable Me 2. Hachetetepé. Scientific Journal of Education and Communication, (22), 1202.

Author Biographies

Ana Paula Trofino Ohe, Prefeitura Municipal de Votuporanga

Doctor of Education from São Carlos Federal University (UFSCAR), researcher in the research group “Education and Aesthetics of Difference” and school teacher at the Municipal Education Department in the city of Votuporanga, Brazil

Nilson Dinis, Universidade Federal de São Carlos

Doctor of Education from the Sao Carlos Federal University (UFSCAR), co-coordinator of the research group “Education and Aesthetics of Difference” and professor in the Department of Education at Sao Carlos Federal University, Brazil


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