Pragmatic-functional paradigm in aphasia rehabilitation



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Published: 03-09-2020



Over the last two decades, research on aphasia rehabilitation has developed a pragmatic, functional view of language, leading to an increasingly multi-faceted orientation of therapeutic work. Different programmes, independently conceived, converge in this pragmatic-functional approach to aphasia rehabilitation, to focus therapy on the relational dimension of language, which includes: functional interrelationships between components of the linguistic system; communicative function and the use of language in natural contexts as everyday conversations; interrelationships between verbal behaviour and other semiotic means such as gesturing; and interrelationships between language and other cognitive abilities. These precedents can be considered together to outline a new paradigm for aphasia rehabilitation. The basic dimensions of this paradigm, and the hierarchical relationship between them, are presented in this study.


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Hernández Sacristán, C., & Rosell Clari, V. (2020). Pragmatic-functional paradigm in aphasia rehabilitation. Pragmalingüística, (2), 199–215.


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