A BreakoutEDU to evaluate gene expression contents in 4 ESO. Design, application and evaluation of the emotions of its implementation
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Knowledge about genetics is essential to build a society capable of participating in socio-scientific debates. However, the teaching-learning process of this subject involves many difficulties, requiring the development of new educational strategies, to facilitate its understanding and evaluation. An alternative could be the implementation of a BreakoutEDU, a specific type of gamification similar to the famous escape room, in which students face the challenge of opening a box. To achieve this, students must solve a series of challenges during which they acquire or reinforce learning about the chosen content. Thus, three main objectives are established in this work: a) to design a gamified activity of the BreakoutEDU type to evaluate the contents on gene expression; b) to study the students' perceptions of the activity and the emotions experienced with it and c) to analyze the suitability and usefulness of the activity from the point of view of the teacher in charge of the classroom. The BreakoutEDU has been implemented with a group of 28 students and its evaluation has been carried out by means of questionnaires, observation templates, videotaping and an interview with the teacher in charge. The qualitative and quantitative analysis of the results shows that the designed BreakoutEDU is a good strategy to contextualize, evaluate and approach the abstract content of gene expression.
Keywords: Genetic expression, Secondary Education, Gamification, Sciences Education.
Copyright (c) 2024 Marina Martínez Carmona, Antonia Plaza Griñán , Enrique Ayuso Fernández , Manuel Fernández Díaz , Marina Goyena Salgado
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