Ethical dimension of curricular sustainability in the University classroom assessment. The case of the teaching and learning of science


Article abstract page views:  596  


Science education and sustainability
pp. 536-549
Published: 03-05-2015



Sustainability in the field of education emerges as an option for construction of responses and oriented solutions (Wiek, Withycombe y Redman, 2011), from a planetary ethic. Is a challenge for the human thinking and, for us as trainers of science teachers, also involves a challenge facing education for sustainability. This implies encourage teachers to see the classroom as a complex system, which is mainly characterized by the interaction between the parts which compose it. In this context, a key issue in teaching and learning processes is the reflection on how to stake the assessment, because the assessment influence the whole and the whole influence the assessment. From this view, the assessment system must be configured through the dialogue with the values framework in coherence with planetary ethic and sustainability; aspect that modifies not only tits structure but also its function. In this paper we present a thoughtful theoretical analysis on the implication of the configuration of that assessment system on the classroom of science teachers.



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Author Biographies

Rocío Jiménez-Fontana, Universidad de Cádiz

PSI. Departamento de Didáctica. Área de didáctica de las Ciencias Experimentales. Grupo de investigación Hum 462: Desarrollo Profesional Docente

Esther García-González, Universidad de Cádiz

PSI. Departamento de Didáctica. Área de didáctica de las Ciencias Experimentales. Grupo de investigación Hum 462: Desarrollo Profesional Docente

Pilar Azcárate Goded, Universidad de Cádiz

CEU. Departamento de Didáctica. Área de didáctica de las Matemáticas. Grupo de investigación Hum 462: Desarrollo Profesional Docente

Antonio Navarrete Salvador, Universidad de Cádiz

Profesor Colaborador Honorario. Departamento de Didáctica. Área de didáctica de las Ciencias Experimentales. Grupo de investigación Hum 462: Desarrollo Profesional Docente