Use of sensors and automatic data collection equipment in the practical work of Physics and Chemistry of middle and high school: the Arduino platform



Experiences, resources and other work
Published: 09-12-2020


  • María Susana Alegre Buj (ES) Diputación General de Aragón. Departamento de Educación, Cultura y Deporte. Profesores de Educación Secundaria, FP y RR.EE. Aragón. España
  • María José Cuetos Revuelta (ES) Universidad Internacional de La Rioja. Facultad de Educación. Área de Didáctica de las Matemáticas y de las Ciencias Experimentales. La Rioja. España


Abstract: Students born in a digital age require methodologies adjusted to the society of the 21st century, where digital competence is essential. At the same time, a work environment must be built to stimulate learning more effectively through interactions between students and information and communication technologies (ICT). This study includes the design of a battery of Physics and Chemistry practices by means of sensors and automatic data capture equipment using the free Arduino platform, which are easy to implement at different educational levels.

A review of practical works aimed at the selected educational teaching on Arduino was carried out, and the fruit of this research verify that the students are more motivated and acquire other skills and abilities that would not have been obtained with traditional learning.

In this way, it is intended to promote the teaching-learning of these subjects, give a contextualized approach to topics with which they present learning difficulties (such as changes in matter, wave concept, energy...) through technology and collaborative work.


Arduino platform, practical activities, Physics and Chemistry, middle and high school, motivation


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