Weaving connections: the transformative symbiosis between learning and Artificial Intelligence



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Published: 12-03-2024



This article examines the convergence between artificial intelligence (AI) and human learning, exploring how this convergence redefines not only education, but also the technological landscape. AI, in its quest to emulate human intelligence, ventures into the realm of cognitive tasks once exclusive to human minds, such as reasoning and problem-solving. Machine learning, as an essential pillar of AI, enables autonomous improvement in the face of new situations, revealing the adaptive capacity of these technologies. Inspired by the structure of the human brain, neural networks and deep learning significantly enhance data processing capacity. In education, AI manifests itself through intelligent tutoring systems and personalized platforms that shape learning environments uniquely for each student. The creative crossroads highlights how AI, by understanding patterns, acts as an amplifier of human creativity. This convergence envisions a new educational era, characterized by complete personalization, technologically rich environments, and advanced assessments, while raising challenges that define an educational and technological future full of possibilities.



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How to Cite

Aparicio-Gómez, O.-Y., Aparicio-Gómez, C.-A., & von Feigenblatt, O. F. (2024). Weaving connections: the transformative symbiosis between learning and Artificial Intelligence. Hachetetepé. Scientific Journal of Education and Communication, (28), 1103. https://doi.org/10.25267/Hachetetepe.2024.i28.1103

Author Biographies

Oscar-Yecid Aparicio-Gómez, Ed&TIC Research Center

Doctor in Education (2015), Doctor in Philosophy, Ethics and Politics (2006) from the University of Barcelona, with an outstanding qualification and Cum Laude mention, and Doctor Honoris Causa in Education from the CUGS University of Mexico. Professor, researcher and editor-in-chief of scientific journals in universities and organizations in the productive sector for the last 15 years. He is currently Dean of the Faculty of Humanities and Educational Sciences at the University of San Buenaventura - Bogotá.

Carlos-Alfonso Aparicio-Gómez, Ed&TIC Research Center

Master in University Management (Uniandes-Colombia) with Advanced Studies in Management and Strategic Leadership (Uniandes) and Political Management and Governance (George Washington University). He is a Public Accountant (U Central). He has been Rector and Vice Rector, and has held other management positions in various Higher Education Institutions, as well as advisor to the Ministry of National Education. Furthermore, he is currently a professor and researcher in several Higher Education Institutions, international consultant and member of international humanitarian organizations, such as Plan International.

Otto Federico von Feigenblatt, Keiser University

Doctor of Philosophy, Doctor of Education from Nova Southeastern University - USA. Academician of the Royal Academy of Doctors of Spain, of the Royal Academy of Economic and Financial Sciences of Spain and of the Royal Spanish Academy of the Sea. He holds nine honorary doctorates. Currently, he is Program Director and Professor of Educational Leadership - Latin Division, Kaiser University.


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