The way trailed by the active pedagogy: the importance of the look of the adult to the person of the child



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Published: 01-05-2018



The article starts from the fact that childhood has been recognized as a significant development phase by the Progressive Education movement and the active pedagogies. It examines the view an adult educator turns to a child with special needs in education. The question is complex: the reflection on the daily educational practice at school and in educational centres as well as the research in the different branches of human sciences evidence the necessity to focus on the primacy of the person of the child in the learning experience.


Active pedagogies, inclusive education, educational relationship, special didactics.


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How to Cite

Miatto, E. (2018). The way trailed by the active pedagogy: the importance of the look of the adult to the person of the child. Hachetetepé. Scientific Journal of Education and Communication, (16), 121–128.


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