Radio as a Doctrinal Educative Element During the Estado Novo Brasileiro (1937-1945)



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Published: 01-11-2012


  • José María Gomes de Souza Neto (BR) Universidad de Pernambuco


 For the Estado Novo brasileño dictatorship, under the government of Getúlio Vargas, radio was a fundamental element for the doctrinal education of the population. This article presents some of the strategies used by the national government and the regional government of the State of Pernambuco for these ends. In this light, we shall examine the images and metaphors used to elaborate an authoritarian truth. Within this political, ideological, and educative embroilment, the radio (Rádio Clube de Pernambuco) played a fundamental role in distracting public attention during the years of political control during the development of this media in a country of continental dimensions. 


Radio, Brazil, education, Estado Novo


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How to Cite

Neto, J. M. G. de S. (2012). Radio as a Doctrinal Educative Element During the Estado Novo Brasileiro (1937-1945). Hachetetepé. Scientific Journal of Education and Communication, (5), 115–124. Retrieved from


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