The Adaption of the School Library to Modern Times. Wishes and Experiences



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Published: 02-05-2012



In this article we shall show how we have created a school library for the C.E.I.P Gadir (Cádiz). We shall highlight the changes in the organisation and functioning of this library, and how his has affected the annual plan of action as regards: general and specific objectives, sequencing of activities, documentation proceedings, fomenting reading, timetable organisation, and the guarantee of student access to information and diverse materials in distinct formats. In this sense, we wish to highlight the integration of the school library within the teaching practice, and for this reason we shall relate our experience as regards our fomenting of reading within primary school.


School library, educational establishment, new technologies, primary education, Reading.


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How to Cite

Sánchez López, M. T., & Reyes, C. (2012). The Adaption of the School Library to Modern Times. Wishes and Experiences. Hachetetepé. Scientific Journal of Education and Communication, (4), 127–136. Retrieved from


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