The socio-educational project “Carnival at school”. The narrative of one of its creators




Published: 01-11-2020



Through this research, the aim is to find out what were the motivations and claims for the creation of the socio-educational project "Carnival at School", which is carried out in the Primary Education centers of the city of Cádiz (Spain). In it, activities are carried out with the students in which different aspects and competencies of the primary curricular areas are worked on, having the Cádiz carnival as the backbone of the same. In this article the voice of one of its creators is captured, using the narrative methodology, where he tells his experience as a designer of the project and his vision of it throughout its fifteen years of existence. To justify it, aspects such as heritage education and theory on non-formal contexts are taken as a theoretical basis. The research also reflects the potential of the Cádiz Carnival as an educational agent in aspects such as education in values and with curricular possibilities.



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How to Cite

Oliva Benítez, E. (2020). The socio-educational project “Carnival at school”. The narrative of one of its creators. Hachetetepé. Scientific Journal of Education and Communication, (21), 84–94.

Author Biography

Efraín Oliva Benítez, Universidad de Cádiz

Graduated in Primary Education Teaching (music specialty) and Master's in Educational Research for Teacher Professional Development, both from the University of Cádiz. Currently, he is a PhD student in the Educational Research and Practice program at the same university. Last publication: "From the earliest childhood", in "Challenges for initial training: From the looks and voices of active teachers", from Editorial Octaedro.


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