Distance learning versus face-to-face education in university pedagogical training in England. A comparative study.





Published: 22-04-2021



The study of Pedagogy as a discipline in England has been a field of study that until recent times has remained practically unexplored even for English researchers. It is a discipline that, in this context, has an irrefutable youth, and in which it is still necesary further research. The objective of this work consists on contributing to this field of knowledge through an analysis of the strenghts and weakenesses of the university pedagogical training in England. Using the comparative methodology it contrasts the current degrees of two prestigious universities: a distance university (The Open University) and a face-to-face university (The University of Cambridge). Results show in all cycles of the EHEA and in both universities there are pedagogical degrees that cover the training needs and demands of the English context. The main found differences are in relation to aspects like flexibility, contents, the academic excellence and university prestige, among others, belong to disparities in accordance with the ethos of the universities themselves, both the face-to-face and the distance one. In conclussion it is from 1980 that Pedagogy has finally considered an academic discipline in England, and with the EHEA some pedagogical training lacks from yesteryear have been solved.



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How to Cite

Sianes-Bautista, A. (2021). Distance learning versus face-to-face education in university pedagogical training in England. A comparative study. Hachetetepé. Scientific Journal of Education and Communication, (22), 1206. https://doi.org/10.25267/Hachetetepe.2021.i22.1206

Author Biography

Alicia Sianes-Bautista, Universidad de Extremadura

Lecturer in the Department of Pedagogy (University of Jaén) and Tutor in the Department of History of Education and Comparative Education (UNED). International PhD in Education (UNED). Researcher in Research Group «Comparative Education in Seville (Giecse)» (HUM-486). Research interests: pedagogy; higher education; comparative and international education; gender.


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