Care through storytelling: teaching craft in the brazilian basic education during the Covid-19 pandemic

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This article presents an excerpt from the research “Narratives of the teaching work during the Covid-19 pandemic: practices of care in education through craft’s memory”, developed with Basic Education teachers in the Brazilian public education system. The experience of teaching work in the context of the Covid-19 pandemic is analyzed, accessed through narratives of teachers, taking a clinical point of view of work, that is, in the articulation of subjectivity, health and work. The research, understood as intervention-research, uses an online platform where participating teachers submit narratives about teaching work during the pandemic, as well as interact with other narratives. Conversation circles are also held among the research participants through online meeting platforms. We found the teaching craft under shock - in a great effort not to succumb to the challenges posed by the pandemic in the Brazilian reality - and a classroom in a movement of reterritorialization from the technological encounters that confinement demanded. The narrative production process is a tool for weaving a collective dimension of narrativity, thus composing a care strategy for the teaching craft, as well as for the people who exercise it.Keywords
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Copyright (c) 2022 Fernanda Spanier Amador, Juliana Prediger, Daniel Rodrigues Fernandes, Aline Talita Rosa Santos

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