Recognizing contexts: learning scenarios supported by technology




Published: 28-04-2023



The project, ICT-supported learning scenarios: Design and contextualization of pedagogical strategies for available learning environments, led by RILPE - Ibero-American Network of Leadership and Educational Practices - seeks to generate methodological strategies that enable the effective use of ICT-enriched learning environments available in educational institutions. However, the contexts are very diverse, so a collaborative work is proposed, first to recognize and characterize the technological scenarios that are configured today in educational institutions and second, to analyze their current use and suggest others through active methodologies. This article describes the description of ICT contexts and scenarios, the phases developed, the methodologies proposed, the resources used, the information collected and analyzed and the results, the product of an online questionnaire filled out by 618 teachers from more than six countries and analyzed by researchers attached to RILPE, Aulas Amigas, a company dedicated to the training of teachers in educational innovation. The project seeks to contribute to the introduction of technologies in educational processes, opening possibilities for future research.



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Supporting Agencies  

The study was approved and financed by the Research Directorate of the Universidad Nacional de Chimborazo through Resolution 138- CIV-7-7-2021.

How to Cite

Agudelo Velásquez, O. L., Marichal Guevara, O. C., Barrientos Piñeiro, C., & Ruiz Luis, M. (2023). Recognizing contexts: learning scenarios supported by technology. Hachetetepé. Scientific Journal of Education and Communication, (26), 1105.

Author Biographies

Olga Lucía Agudelo Velásquez, Universidad de Islas Baleares

Research professor. Doctor in Educational Technology: Virtual Education and Knowledge Management, and two master's degrees in Education and Technology from the UIB. Teacher of Technology and Informatics in secondary education, with more than 35 years of experience in the field of pedagogy and 25 years in teacher training. Her bibliographic production includes directing research projects in the field of ICT appropriation, directing and evaluating master's theses and  doctoral theses, as well as articles and presentations at scientific events with national and international recognition.

Oruam Cadex Marichal Guevara, Universidad de Ciego de Ávila (UNICA)

Postdoctoral at the University of Granada (2021), Doctor in Pedagogical Sciences (2018), Master in Educational Sciences (2010) and Bachelor of Physical Culture (2006). Associate Professor at the University of Ciego de Ávila, Cuba (2021). He coordinates the Ibero-American Network for Research in Educational Leadership and Practices (RILPE), participates in six networks, made academic stays: Spain, Chile, Mexico and Guatemala, coordinated two international collaboration projects and has participated in another 4, has 50 publications: 14 articles, 6 books, 17 collective works, three theses and 10 event reports. He is a reviewer for four magazines. Associate Member of the Cuban Academy of Sciences ACC (2022). Annual Award of the Cuban Academy of Sciences ACC (2020). He works as Director of International Relations.

Claudio Barrientos Piñeiro, Universidad Austral de Chile

Professor of Basic Education at the Austral University of Chile; Master in Management and Direction of Educational Centers; Master’s degree in research in didactics, training and educational evaluation and PhD in educational sciences from the University of Barcelona. He has published articles in indexed journals, conference proceedings and book chapters in Chile, Peru, Mexico, Cuba, Spain, Brazil, topics of educational leadership, managerial leadership, parental participation in education, educational methodology and TIC.

Mario Ruiz Luis, Universidad deL Itsmo de Tehuantepec

Dr. in Education, graduated from the first generation of the Doctorate in Education from the Institute of Higher Studies of the Isthmus of Tehuantepec. Primary school teacher with 14 years of experience. Master of Education, responsible for the Teaching, Research and Scientific Development Unit of the IESIT, in charge of carrying out workshops, congresses and research. Member of the Ibero-American Network of Educational Leadership and Practices.


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