Dysarthria from the interaction between speech therapy and acoustic phonetics. Monitoring and rehabilitation to obtain a “functional voice”
This paper aims to show the benefits of two methods commonly used in speech therapy for, among other pathologies, dysarthria. It also wants to emphasize that, when the speech therapist undertakes a rehabilitation work, he does not look for a normal voice but a “functional voice”. We understand by functional those that allows the person an adequate performance in different communicative situations. At the same time, we show that acoustic analysis is revealed as the most objective measurement tool of rehabilitation progress in dysarthria. In contrast to what has been done so far, in which only the pitch of a vowel is taken into account, we present -from some practical cases- the analysis of other parameters, such as the frequency of the other harmonics, amplitude and time, which provide us with very relevant data on the progression of the melodic curve and speech of the patient in general.
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