Vol.28 (2021)
The Poetic Experience of Abū Madyan Šu'ayb (d. 589/1193)
The 'archaic text' of the Andalusian Gospels and their later revisions, notes on textual diachrony
Power, rank and economy of the authorities and princely men of the taha of Vera in the Nasrid Kingdom (15th century)
An unpublished method for learning Algerian Arabic written in Mostaganem in the 1970s: Presentation, context and linguistic study.
A Spanish version of the Kāfiya of Ibn al-Ḥāğib (570/1174-5 - 646/1249) preserved in the National Library of Spain.
Ibn Bāŷŷa against Abū l-ʿAlāʾ Zuhr. Satirical poetry and rational sciences in the Almoravid period.
Culturemas in tourist texts about Morocco.
Notes and comments
CAÑETE, Carlos, Cuando África comenzaba en los Pirineos. Una historia del paradigma africanista español (siglos XV-XX), Madrid, Marcial Pons, 2021, 379 pp. Reseña por Francisco Moscoso
SÁNCHEZ ADALID, Jesús, Las armas de la luz, Madrid, Harper Collins Ibérica, 2021, 813 págs. Reseña por María Jesús Viguera Molins