The plant nutrition model throughout history


Article abstract page views:  4156  


Fundamentals and current research lines
pp. 2-12
Published: 24-10-2013



In this work, an historical review of the studies and experiences related to the photosynthesis and plant respiration which contributed to the rejection of the “humus theory” as a plant nutrition model is done. Moreover, a description of the challenges that the researchers were facing at that time, is also included. The evolution of the photosynthesis formulation will be emphasized, considering that from these studies, plants started being considered of vital importance for the survival of life on our planet. The evolution of knowledge in that field, allowed us to move from a plant nutrition model focused on the organism level, to the development and acceptance of the current three level plant nutrition model: organism, cell and ecosystem. At last, it shows historical review importance to teaching this topic.



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Author Biographies

Concepción González Rodríguez

Catedrática de E. Secundaria (Biología y Geología). Consellería de Educación e Ordenación Universitaria. Xunta de GaliciaProfesora Asociada del Área de ciencias experiemntales. Dpto de Pedagoxía e Didáctica. Facultade de Ciencias da Educación. Universidade da Coruña

Cristina Martínez Losada

Titular de universidad. Facultad Ciencias de la educación

Susana García Barros

Titular de universidad. Facultad Ciencias de la educación