Forums as a dynamic element for active participation in an online university




Published: 11-03-2024



Getting students involved in non-face-to-face educational environments is not easy. Promoting their active participation and interaction with other classmates can mean a before and after in their learning experience. In the present study, the accent is placed on asynchronous interactions through forums in an online university. An experience is described through two Didactics subjects of the Teacher's Degree in Early Childhood Education and the Master's Degree in Secondary, Baccalaureate, Vocational Training and Adult Education, taught by the same teacher during the academic year 22/23 to a total of 147 students. Through a mixed methods research, the quantitative and qualitative analysis of the contributions to the forums (518 messages in total) is combined with a sentiment analysis, understood as valence analysis, to capture the general tone of the interventions. Likewise, the quantitative and qualitative results of a survey to the students are presented. It is concluded that a close, colloquial and informal tone, as well as a continuous, fast and active dynamization by the teacher can make the forums a place of meeting, motivation and learning for students.



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Supporting Agencies  

This research is carried out as part of the PIDA (Applied Teaching Innovation Project) entitled: "Formative assessment at the university to contribute to self-regulation and student autonomy", granted by the International University of La Rioja, according to the Resolution of the Vice-Rectorate for Academic Planning and Teaching Staff of June 5, 2023.

How to Cite

Mosquera Gende, I. (2024). Forums as a dynamic element for active participation in an online university . Hachetetepé. Scientific Journal of Education and Communication, (28), 1203.

Author Biography

Ingrid Mosquera Gende, Universidad Internacional de La Rioja

Ingrid Mosquera-Gende, PhD, is a associated professor at the Universidad Internacional de La Rioja. Her research is related to informal learning, online education and educational technology. Currently, she is part of the PRODIGI research group, at UNIR, and she is a researcher in the I+D+i project, TED2021-129820B-I00 entitled “The transition to digital learning in teacher training. Analysis of emerging digital environments and the transfer of learning to the classroom”, funded by MCIN/ AEI/ “FEDER A way of making Europe”. Known on social networks for her educational program #CharlasEducativas, Mosquera-Gende has received various recognitions at a national level, both for her teaching innovation proposals and for her project on social networks.


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