In delirium ... Ways to understand education, communication and life



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Published: 01-11-2018


  • Jerônimo Jorge Cavalcante Silva (BR) Universidad del Estado de Bahia
  • Oliver Salas (ES) Universidad de Cádiz


Speaking aloud about the monster is nothing new. But doing it from the position of the one who feels and suffers can be unaccustomed. Delirium as an alteration of the mind leads us to reflect aloud. To allow us to say things that in a state of mental fullness would have labeled us an idiot. A thought about the forms that exist about education, communication and life. That is, three legs that hold the coffered ceiling in a way to give it to understand, simplifying and replacing the self with the we, objectivity or subjectivity for the wisdom of what it says. Clearly, a journey through forms that are inspired by understanding, feelings, dreaming and believing.


Education, communication, fantasy, fiction


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How to Cite

Silva, J. J. C., & Salas, O. (2018). In delirium . Ways to understand education, communication and life. Hachetetepé. Scientific Journal of Education and Communication, (17), 99–104.


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