Children's images in treatment of health in advertising campaigns: the infantile protagonism



Article abstract page views:  263  


Published: 01-05-2018


  • Ercilia Maria Angeli Teixeira Paula (BR) Universidad Estadual de Maringá
  • Antenor Rita Gomes (BR) Universidad del Estado da Bahía


The objective of this work is to present advertising campaigns available on the Internet that include minors in health care in Brazil and Spain and the contribution of these campaigns to the modification of the concept of sick children. The methodology of this work was the literature review on the sociology of childhood and analysis of twelve advertising campaigns dispensed on the Internet about these children. The period of analysis was from 2013 to 2017. As a result it was possible to observe that: in several countries of the world it is still necessary to carry out publicity campaigns to raise funds for the treatment and care of children in health treatment. Therefore, full rights are not fully guaranteed. The initial objectives of the campaigns were aimed at raising funds, while other values were associated such as: reports on disease prevention, childcare, solidarity and modification of the concept of children “patients” for children actors in the development process and protagonists of their stories.


Hospitalized children, electronic media, sociology of children, childhood.


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How to Cite

Paula, E. M. A. T., & Gomes, A. R. (2018). Children’s images in treatment of health in advertising campaigns: the infantile protagonism. Hachetetepé. Scientific Journal of Education and Communication, (16), 93–105. Retrieved from


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