The uncomfortable debate on gender in Brazilian education



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Published: 01-05-2017


  • Cynthia Mara Miranda (BR) Universidad Federal de Tocantins


This article aims to understand the political scenario for the institutionalization of gender issues in Brazilian education. To develop the proposal, news and articles (newspaper and / or opinion) were selected to delimit the trajectory of the gender debate in the political arena, starting with the approval of the National Education Plan in 2014 until the current period, where The articulations of the Movement without Party School have gained more and more force in the country. The statements were analyzed according to the theory of gender studies to understand the current political confrontations that prevent the institutionalization of gender issues in education. It was noted that education for gender equality is the role of schools and can impact future generations for the construction of more just societies and equal opportunities for girls and boys, men and women. However, gender equality in Brazilian society will only advance by encouraging strategies in the field of education, which depends on a strong articulation of social movements, taking into consideration the bargaining power that religious and conservative groups have in the National Congress, space where the policies are decided.


Gender in school, education, Brazil.


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How to Cite

Miranda, C. M. (2017). The uncomfortable debate on gender in Brazilian education. Hachetetepé. Scientific Journal of Education and Communication, (14), 87–97.


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