Between knowledge emancipation and knowledge regulation: Experience of a rural school teacher in the city of Baixa Grande, Bahia-Brazil



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Published: 01-05-2015


  • Joselito Manoel de Jesus (BR) Universidad del Estado de Bahía


No production of knowledge occurs forgetting a methodology that favors individuals involved in its context and culture. All knowledge that makes sense for the subjects who produce comes from local problems and situations that challenge individuals not as universal and abstract people, but as individuals construct their identities in the socioeconomic, political and ideological environment in which they are inserted. It was what happened on my experiences in the classrooms of Rural Education, which we present in this article.


Knowledge emancipation, regulation knowledge, rural school.


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How to Cite

de Jesus, J. M. (2015). Between knowledge emancipation and knowledge regulation: Experience of a rural school teacher in the city of Baixa Grande, Bahia-Brazil. Hachetetepé. Scientific Journal of Education and Communication, (10), 117–124. Retrieved from


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