Intercultural education for the personal and community development
It makes no sense to talk about education if we do not include the intercultural dimension in our perceptions, thoughts and actions. Otherwise we will refer in essence educational processes, adoctrinadores, disciplinary, but eminently educational; therefore, a logical consequence of this premise would be understood that all educational policy and the development of the the persons and the communities should be steeped in interculturalism. For that reason we are going to deal with issues related to educational policy, asking coherence to the hour of positioning ourselves with respect to the development of intercultural educational policies. We will depart for this, firstly, a few principles necessary for reflection of interculturalism from the otherness, as a prerequisite to the development and educational research, and then go by entering some pedagogical elements from the analysis of the confluences that, since the interculturalism, must be linked with our societies, as is the phenomenon of migration and its educational implications.
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