A model of innovation in the Practicum of Secondary Education: immersion in an action-research group


Article abstract page views:  348  


The Practicum in the Master of Teaching
pp. 709-727
Published: 25-06-2013


  • Bartolomé Vázquez-Bernal (ES) Facultad de CC. de la Educación. Universidad de Huelva
  • Roque Jiménez-Pérez (ES) Facultad de CC. de la Educación. Universidad de Huelva


We present a model of innovation affecting the Practicum of Master of Secondary Education, which involves future teacher’s socialization within an action research-group, where he can acquire parts of the skills required to meet their professional development. The driving force is based on the development of students' competencies in sciences focused in inquiry, self-assessment, information exchange and reflection as elements of improvement of these skills of high school students, but also in the professional skills of the future teachers. The students of Practicum very positively assessed their involvement in the group, as well as conducting experiences of investigative nature with students of Secondary Education.



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