Evolution of the emotional maturity in basic proffesional formation students throught the use of out of school activities
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The new implementations of the FP Básica (Spanish equivalent of a Foundation Degree) tend to gather quite a high number of students in the same classroom. In general, these students lack emotional and scientific literacy.
The following investigation analyses the evolution of the emotional literacy of 16 students in their first year of FP Básica in the hairdressing sector, using some out of the scholar context interdisciplinary activities as an educative resource. Once the activities have taken place, the students are interviewed in order to analyse a series of predetermined emotional indicators which constitute to the denominated General Stencil of Emotional Indicators and respond to the antonym of the ones established by Díaz y Flores (2001). The answers of the students are analysed using Specific Templates of Semantic Pairs, according to three different situations where the emotions happen: during the activity, in the classroom and finally outside the school. The processing of the different results allows us to compare the evolution of the emotional literacy in the course of the tasks. Taking into account the starting and final statuses, an important emotional evolution is noticed generally among the students.
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