Images of teachers for children and adolescents: narratives expressed in the mamulengos theatre and in letters



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Published: 01-11-2019


  • Ercília Maria Angeli Teixeira Paula (BR) Universidad Estadual de Maringá
  • Weslley dos Santos Borges (BR) Universidad Estadual de Maringá


The main objective of this work is to present the conceptions of children and adolescents about the images of the Formal Education and Social Education teachers through theatrical practices and letter writing. Children and adolescents participate in an extension and research project carried out in the Network for the Fight against Cancer of Women that treats people in medical care in the city of Maringá, state of Parana, Brazil. In this institution different Social Education works are carried out, among them, mamulengos theater classes. The methodology of this work was the study of the narratives of children and adolescents with neoplasms through the analysis of expressions in theatrical games and in the writing of the lyrics. The conclusion of this work was that children and adolescents project different images of teachers in different contexts of teaching and learning, giving a more authoritative position to the formal education teacher, relating this characteristic to the demands, the lack of dialogues with their realities and the distancing, between educator and student. In relation to the Social Education professor, they attributed more liberal and flexible images. His stories showed that they prioritize the formation of bonds, fun and creative proposals for education.


Formal education, social education, letters, images of teachers.


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How to Cite

Paula, E. M. A. T., & Borges, W. dos S. (2019). Images of teachers for children and adolescents: narratives expressed in the mamulengos theatre and in letters. Hachetetepé. Scientific Journal of Education and Communication, (19), 103–111.


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