Deliberative capacities and ICT, education keys to the development of children in the fullness of their Rights. The CADE Project
This paper aims to discover the profound extent and quality of the outcomes that an educational program can obtain, when it comes from the proper understanding of the new paradigm of childhood contained in the Convention on the Rights of the Child. The Deliberative Capabilities in School Age Children Project (CADE, its Spanish acronym), held in Costa Rica, heavily leverages technology in the classroom as valuable tools for developing thinking skills of a high order, to explore communication ways, and for content production capacity of intervention and social participation.Evaluated asuseful in all kinds of contexts, CADE project has proved to be an extremely efficient tool in disadvantaged enclaves, including promoting community benefits. Finally, we try to account for the overall power of the Project through theexperience that we shared on the Cacique Guarco School, on Cartago province.
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