Analysis of STEM methodology in the early childhood education classroom. A systematic review

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We live in a society where technology is increasingly necessary, and for this reason it is important to create methodologies that improve current education to adapt it to these demands. The STEM methodology is a great example of this because it is committed to the joint teaching of science, mathematics and technology, supported by engineering. Therefore, a systematic review is carried out following the PRISMA statement, with respect to the multidisciplinary databases WOS and Scopus with the intention of responding to the objectives set out in terms of publications in the last five years, ages of application, countries, subjects of interest and benefits obtained from the implementation of this methodology in the pupils of Early Childhood Education. Once we have analysed the results, we can see that, although it is an incipient teaching, it has a great projection. We then discuss the subject and conclude with the visibility of the STEM methodology through this review of recent years.
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Copyright (c) 2023 Andrea Bailón Aneas, José Antonio Martínez Domingo, Blanca Berral Ortiz, Magdalena Ramos Navas-Parejo

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