The origins of Biology as a science. The impact of the evolution theories and issues associated with its teaching and learning


Article abstract page views:  18474  


Science: past and present
pp. 66-90
Published: 16-07-2014


  • Gonzalo Miguel Angel Bermudez (AR) Universidad Nacional de Córdoba, Argentina


This article aims to analyze the most important events in the history of Biology that gave its theoretical corpus and scientific status, emphasizing the role that Lamarck and Darwin’s theory of evolution fulfilled in this process, and to review some of the current issues associated with the teaching and learning of the theory of evolution by natural selection. Initially, the studies of life received a strong criticism by a school of thought originated in the Vienna Circle in the second decade of the last century and which placed Physics at the top of the scientific activities. According to this, the existence of a single method and explanation of natural and social phenomena was promulgated, reducing any system to its constituent parts. Controversies about Biology focused on the paucity of laws, the lack of mathematics in their classifications and the impossibility to falsify many of their hypotheses, primarily the historical ones. Over time, the new currents of thought in the Philosophy of Science recognized the absence of a unique method and language of science. Then, Biology was recognized for its distinctive features and study objects, with these having an irreducible complexity, and an irrefutable place for action for chance and probability. For this purpose, Lamarck and Darwin made significant contributions, offering a vision of life in permanent transformation. However, it was the theory of evolution by natural selection proposed by Darwin which generated a scientific revolution, giving the world a secular explanation to the origin of the species. Currently, in the field of education there are different challenges for teaching and learning evolution, including the presence of numerous misconceptions, to the scientific view, in teachers, pupils and textbooks. The implications of Biology and evolution by natural selection both in science and in the science education are discussed.



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Author Biography

Gonzalo Miguel Angel Bermudez, Universidad Nacional de Córdoba, Argentina

Es Doctor, Profesor en Ciencias Biológicas y Biólogo por la Universidad Nacional de Córdoba, se desempeña actualmente como Profesor Adjunto de las cátedras de Didáctica General, Especial y Universitaria del Departamento de Enseñanza de la Ciencia y la Tecnología de la Facultad de Ciencias Exactas, Físicas y Naturales (Universidad Nacional de Córdoba). Es investigador asistente de CONICET. Su campo de trabajo se enmarca en el área de las concepciones sobre temáticas ecológicas como la diversidad biológica y los disturbios ecosistémicos, y en el análisis de la transposición didáctica de estos conceptos, presentes en materiales de texto y diseños curriculares. Ha trabajado en cuestiones discursivas en clases de Biología, analizando las intervenciones verbales de docentes y alumnos. Realizó su tesis doctoral en el área de la contaminación ambiental por metales pesados en Córdoba, Argentina, de la cual se derivan publicaciones internacionales. Dirige y participa como miembro de equipo de proyectos de investigación financiados por agencias de investigación nacional.