Knowledge, Cognitive demand and contexts in the assessment of scientific literacy in PISA
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Scientific literacy responds to what is important to know, value and be able to do in situations involving science and technology and as an educational goal, requires rethinking science teaching and the corresponding assessment methods. This work presents the systematic analysis of 106 items from tests to assess scientific literacy run from 2000-2015 in PISA (Programme for International Student Assessment). In line with recommendations from the specialised research, results show that questions are mainly situated in real life contexts and scenarios that bring purpose and meaning to the knowledge to be used, demanding not only conceptual knowledge but also an understanding of epistemic aspects of science, though procedural knowledge is underrepresented. Nevertheless, the bi-dimensional analysis of the type of knowledge and the cognitive demand shows that over 80% of questions focus on the application of low order skills (remember and understanding). These results suggest the need to increase activities that require the evaluation and creation of knowledge to enhance high order cognitive skills and to better prepare individuals for a critical and active participation in a world shaped by science and technology.
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