Understanding of epistemic aspects of nature of science and appreciation of its social dimension




Science education today
Published: 07-04-2020



The educational value of the Nature of Science (NOS) construct lies in several non-contrasted critical assumptions. In this study, the extent to which understandings of NOS could promote positive attitudes towards the social contribution of science is empirically addressed. The responses of 341 6th elementary graders to two valid and reliable measures of NOS and attitudes reveal (I) the prevalence of naïve conceptions in three dimensions of the NdC (creativity, tentativeness, observations and inferences); (II) positive attitudes towards the social implication of science, especially in boys; and (III) more positive attitudes in students with informed conceptions of NOS. These findings underline the importance of promoting NOS understandings from elementary stages to foster positive attitudes towards science, among other reasons.



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Author Biography

Radu Bogdan Toma, Universidad de Burgos

Universidad de Burgos, Facultad de Educación.

Departamento de Didácticas Específicas, Área de Didáctica de las Ciencias Experimentales


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