“Mom, you don’t know”. The keeping of the digital divide on the basis of gender



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Published: 01-11-2017



This article deals with socio-educational issues in relation to technologies and gender, a binomial still pending. The casuistry and the differences depending on the regions of the world, invite us to reflect and continue working for what is done to a right: education without distinction of gender and the impetus to the challenges that overcome inequality.The social reality in which many girls are immersed is far from desired and expected in 21st century society because of stereotypes and beliefs still present in groups and at different economic, social, labor and technological levels. Among others, the contributions of different authors and analyzes of relevant studies worldwide, along with the interpretation of quantitative data, showing a reality in which there is a digital image based on gender. We will do a quick review of these data.O n the other hand, we work in this article the use of technologies in the function of training and gender and how technological competence makes it possible or difficult the immersion in the professional world. All these evidences are shown in this work that invite to think of other solutions at formative level, to be able to suppress differences and gaps.


Technology of the information and communication, technologies of learning and knowledge, gender, society, education, labor, gender.


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How to Cite

Pérez González, A. B., & Vargas Vergara, M. (2017). “Mom, you don’t know”. The keeping of the digital divide on the basis of gender. Hachetetepé. Scientific Journal of Education and Communication, (15), 27–35. https://doi.org/10.25267/Hachetetepe.2017.v2.i15.4


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