Gendered digital entrepreneurship competence: the EmDigital project




Published: 17-03-2022



Entrepreneurship is a competence that goes beyond the creation of a company. If we focus on the digital world, what is known as digital entrepreneurship competence emerges. Its development at university level is essential in a changing world. Based on this competence, the EmDigital model arises, which develops it in a total of 4 dimensions and 15 sub-competences. The aim of this study was to analyse this competence on the basis of this model in final year undergraduate students at public universities in the Region of Murcia and to see the difference in terms of gender. A total of 1108 students participated in the study, 64.17% of whom were female, and all branches of knowledge were represented. The results show that men scored higher in the dimension Identification of opportunities, while women scored higher in the dimension Action planning. The results are discussed and the need for specific training for the development of this competence is recommended, as well as further research on how to reduce the gender gap in digital entrepreneurship.



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Supporting Agencies  

This research was funded by the Seneca Foundation of the Region of Murcia, project reference number REF.20962/PI/18.

How to Cite

Román-García, M. del M., & González Calatayud, V. (2022). Gendered digital entrepreneurship competence: the EmDigital project. Hachetetepé. Scientific Journal of Education and Communication, (24), 1205.

Author Biographies

María del Mar Román-García, Universidad de Murcia

Associate lecturer in the Department of Didactics and School Organisation at the University of Murcia and at the affiliated centre ISEN. Member of the Educational Technology Research Group (GITE) of the same University. Graduate in Social Education and Doctor in Educational Technology. Member of the Edutec Association for the development of Educational Technology. I have carried out research stays at the University of the Basque Country, the University of Girona and Dublin City University (DCU). The lines of research in which I work are: educational technology, digital competence, personal learning environments, digital entrepreneurship competence, online teaching and the risks associated with the use of technology.

Víctor González Calatayud, Universidad de Murcia

Lecturer in the Department of Didactics and School Organisation at the University of Murcia. Member of the Educational Technology Research Group (GITE) at the same University. Degree in Pedagogy and PhD in Educational Technology. Member of the Edutec Association for the development of Educational Technology. I have carried out research stays at the University of Helsinki and Dublin City University (DCU). The lines of research in which I work are: educational technology, digital competence, personal learning environments, learning ecologies, digital entrepreneurship competence, online teaching and the risks associated with the use of technology.


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