Special Issue: November 2013
Conceptions and Emotions of Prospective Science Teachers
MAES students expectations and conceptions of the Science specialty
Emotions about the teaching and learning of science and mathematics in secondary education student teachers
Conceptions and motivations about teachers professional development in initial teacher training of secondary education
Structure and Implementation of the Master of Teaching
The Master of Pre-service Secondary Teacher Training and the pedagogical content knowledge of the future Science, Mathematics and Technology teachers
Analysis of the specialties of Physics and Chemistry and Biology and Geology of the Master in Secondary Education Teaching from the University of Valencia
Implementation of the Master of Teaching (Secondary): methodological aspects and results of its evaluation
Scientific Literacy and Teacher Training
Understanding the nature of science and technology: An innovative experience for teachers’ initial training
Beliefs about the energy problem in preservice science teachers of secondary schools
Cognitive-linguistic skills and human nutrition in the initial training of secondary school teachers
Chemical formulation in the initial training of secondary school teachers: conceptions and proposals
The Practicum in the Master of Teaching
The strategy of the theoretical analysis of the practice of secondary teachers in training: critical incidents
A model of innovation in the Practicum of Secondary Education: immersion in an action-research group
Sustentability and Teacher Training
Sustainability science in science teachers’ training
Role-play on global warming. Teaching activities designed by students in preservice science teacher training
Pre-service Teacher Training in Other Countries