Literature in childhood education: the itinerances of the reading bag



Article abstract page views:  425  



Published: 01-11-2018


  • Eliandra Cardoso dos Santos Vendrame (BR) Universidad Estadual de Maringá
  • Ercília Maria Angeli Teixeira Paula (BR) Universidad Estadual de Maringá
  • Antenor Rita Gomes (BR) Universidad del Estado de Bahía


Children's literature contributes to human formation, through actions that are essences for literary training. In this sense, this article aims to socialize the project "Reading Bag: Surprise of Letters" an initiative to promote access to literature developed in the Municipal School Professor Domingos José de Souza in Campo Mourão, Paraná (Brazil). It is a school that cares for children with little access to literature. The project was created to facilitate the reading of children outside the school environment. The objective is to encourage reading in the family environment. The methodological procedure used consists of bibliographic research to support the right to literary literature and descriptive research. The project found that families want access to practices that facilitate being closer to children, to better understand the world of children. The conclusions showed that the project promotes access to literature and we understand that this is only a small action in the process of training readers.


Children's literature, children, reading, educational experience


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How to Cite

Vendrame, E. C. dos S., Paula, E. M. A. T., & Gomes, A. R. (2018). Literature in childhood education: the itinerances of the reading bag. Hachetetepé. Scientific Journal of Education and Communication, (17), 105–110.


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