Lifelong learning for university teachers in times of COVID-19: between necessity and obligation




Published: 19-02-2022



The aim of this study is to analyse the training activities carried out by university teaching staff to deal with the period of crisis caused by COVID-19, in terms of the training topics in which they were interested, their perception of the learning acquired and their intentions to transfer this learning. Using a quantitative methodology, an ad hoc questionnaire was designed in the form of a Likert scale. The results show that, during this exceptional period, teachers focused mainly on learning about institutional technological tools and the application of different methodological strategies. In addition, their perception was that they improved their digital competences as well as those related to online teaching. Finally, they showed interest in transferring their learning to apply methodologies related to e-learning in their classes. We believe that universities should continue to take advantage of the momentum and continue to invest in training their teaching staff in the implementation of teaching methods that decisively incorporate technologies that generate higher levels of resilience to deal with emergency situations such as those experienced.



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Supporting Agencies  

This study has been subsidized by the DOTS University Chair (Chair for the Development of Healthy and Sustainable Organizations and Territories), approved by agreement no 193/2017 of the Governing Council of the University of Lleida on July 19, 2017.

How to Cite

Ramos-Pla, A., del Arco Bravo, I., & Flores i Alarcia , Òscar. (2022). Lifelong learning for university teachers in times of COVID-19: between necessity and obligation . Hachetetepé. Scientific Journal of Education and Communication, (24), 1104.

Author Biographies

Anabel Ramos-Pla, Universitat de Lleida

Postdoctoral researcher of the EDO-UdL team at the Chair for the Development of Healthy Organisations and Territories (DOTS). Associate Professor in the Department of Pedagogy, PhD in Education and Extraordinary Doctorate Award 2018 (UAB), graduated in Primary Education with special mention in special educational needs and education in diversity and Master in Psychopedagogy (both studies carried out at the UdL). Postgraduate in Management and Direction of Educational Organisations (GEDIOE, UdL), University Expert in School Bullying Prevention and University Expert in Health Education (both studies carried out at the University Isabel I), Specialist Technician in Early Childhood Care and Technician in Emotional Education (both studies carried out at the European University Miguel de Cervantes). In addition, she has developed her professional practice as a Primary Education teacher and research management technician. Jaume Vicens Vives Distinction in university teaching quality, collective modality (2020).

Isabel del Arco Bravo, Universidad de Lleida

Postdoctoral researcher of the EDO-UdL team at the Chair of Development of Healthy Organisations and Territories (DOTS). Associate Professor in the Department of Pedagogy. Coordinator of the EDO-UdL team and Director of the DOTS-UdL Chair. University Lecturer in the Department of Pedagogy and Psychology at the UdL. PhD in Psychopedagogy with Extraordinary Doctorate Award from the UdL. Graduate in Philosophy and Education Sciences and Graduate in Primary School Teaching. Her professional activity has been developed at different levels and stages of the public education system: Early Childhood Education, Primary Education, Secondary Education and currently at the University in the area of knowledge of Didactics and School Organisation. She was director of the ICE at the UdL from 2003 to 2005 and Vice-Rector of Teaching at the UdL, leading the whole process of convergence with the EHEA at the UdL. She was awarded the Jaume Vicens Vives Prize for University Teaching Quality by the Government of Catalonia in 2011, 2013 and 2020.

Òscar Flores i Alarcia , Universidad de Lleida

PhD in Psychopedagogy from the University of Lleida. Degree in Psychopedagogy and Diploma in Teaching, specialising in Physical Education. Coordinator of the Area of Support for Teaching Innovation and E-learning at the University of Lleida. Associate Professor in the Department of Pedagogy and Psychology at the UdL. Author of scientific texts related to training processes through technology (blended and distance learning). He has carried out different studies on elements of the teaching-learning process (teaching innovation, competences, organisation, evaluation, etc.). Member of the Organising and Executive Committee of the International Congress on University Teaching and Innovation (CIDUI) and of the Organising Committee of the International EDO Congress (CIEDO).


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