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Cuadernos de Ilustración y Romanticismo

About the Journal

The journal Cuadernos de Ilustración y Romanticismo was launched in 1991, as a tool for diffusion and debate at the Group of Studies on the 18th Century of the University of Cadiz (GES.XVIII, group HUM-139 of the Research Plan of Andalusia). Its objective is to value the historical, literary and social legacy of the Enlightenment and Romanticism, through scientific research. Until its 15th issue (2007) it was published on paper with the ISSN 1132-8304; since 2010 it has been published on an annual basis in digital format with the ISSN 2173-0687. Articles on literature, art, history and philosophy from the period 1700-1850 in Spain, America and Europe can be found in this journal. To this end, it accepts original works of a general theoretical, critical, historical, erudite or documentary nature. There is also room for the critical revision of documents, as well as for the review of bibliographical novelties related to the topics covered by the journal. Scientific articles are submitted for review through the double-blind peer review system.

Cuadernos de Ilustración y Romanticismo is indexed and has been evaluated in different databases and has obtained the FECYT (Spanish Foundation for Science and Technology) Quality Seal at the 6th Call for the Evaluation of the Editorial and Scientific Quality of Spanish Scientific Journals in 2018, in Madrid, on 12 July 2019.



Current Issue

No. 29 (2023): Information flows at the end of the First Globalisation
					View No. 29 (2023): Information flows at the end of the First Globalisation
Published: 2023-10-15

Monographic section

Book reviews

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