Notas pedagógicas: la contribución de Mariazinha Fusari para la formación de profesores en alfabetismo mediático
This article focuses on the contributions of Brazilian educator and researcher Mariazinha Fusari to media literacy based on an analysis of pedagogical notes. Considered as one of the pioneers in media studies, childhood and teacher education in Brazil, the text seeks to rescue its legacy through the analysis of its notes as revealing its thinking and the impact it had on its students, advisors and colleagues. The text is divided into three parts, in the first part we present the concept of media literacy that guides our research, in the second part we present a little of Mariazinha's story contextualizing her thinking from her memorial. We ended with the presentation of pedagogical notes and testimonies about how important they were in the training of the people who received them to broaden the understanding of the school communicational context and its implications for the formation and exercise of citizenship.
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