Gamification in Higher Education. Review of experiences carried out in Spain in recent years




Published: 09-10-2021



Gamification is gaining momentum as an educational innovation to motivate and engage students in their learning. The digital turn in Spanish education manifests the problem of motivation, commitment and enjoyment of students, but so far, there is no research that reveals the role of gamification in university studies carried out in Spain, since this methodology has been developed Recently. Our research carries out an analysis of experiences in higher education in Spain in recent years. Part of a systematic mapping design of articles in 'Web of Science', with the following inclusion criteria: empirical gamification studies established in Spain, published between 2016 and 2020 and carried out in real environments. The initial search returned 332 potentially relevant articles. After applying the selection criteria, 16 were analyzed. The results show how more experiences were published in 2020, encompassing teachers and undergraduate students from social, humanities, health and technical branches, although their implementation is less than that of culturally related countries. Gamification has been studied alone or in association with other methodologies such as flipped classroom, studying the effects on motivation through surveys and questionnaires, demonstrating positive effects on learning and academic performance.



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How to Cite

Alonso-García, S., Martínez-Domingo, J. A., Berral-Ortiz, B., & De la Cruz-Campos, J. C. (2021). Gamification in Higher Education. Review of experiences carried out in Spain in recent years. Hachetetepé. Scientific Journal of Education and Communication, (23), 2205.

Author Biographies

Santiago Alonso-García, Universidad de Granada

My C.V. it is very well defined by a well-justified and well-argued academic trajectory within the area of ​​didactics and school organization (DOE). I am accredited as a Contracted Doctor Professor by ANECA in the DOE area.

My research activity is broken down into the publication of indexed articles (JCR, Scopus, DICE, Latindex, etc.), book chapters in SPI (Dykinson, Octaedro, Comares, EUGR, etc.), and invited papers, research projects ( ERASMUS + K2, I + D + I, etc.), addresses of final master's projects and final degree projects, and international stays.

My teaching activity is developed undergraduate and graduate. I have taught teaching courses, I have been a member of the organizing committee of congresses, I have attended 16 teaching specialization courses, I have co-authorship of teaching material book chapters, authorship of teaching materials books, with collaborations in teaching innovation projects, and I actively participate as an internship tutor.

My non-university work activity has complemented my university teaching and research activity, thus totally fixing my identity with the area of ​​didactics and school organization. For five and a half years I have developed the work of teacher at different levels of the educational system, which is one of my strongholds that highlights my curriculum, since this experience has been the one that has enriched my teaching and research practice in higher education.

Other merits are the variety of positions of responsibility held, highlighting that of Advisor to the Rector of the University of Granada for 4 years and the recognition of my academic work by some Universities.

In summary, my curriculum reflects a lifetime dedicated to following an academic career in the broadest sense of the term (teacher, researcher, management, professional and bonding), based on solid experience in non-university educational centers, these words being verified for the curriculum that I expose below.

José Antonio Martínez-Domingo, Universidad de Granada

Graduated in Primary Education with a mention in Physical Education from the University of Granada, with an average grade of 9, 254 obtaining the remunerated award for "best records for the 2019-2020 academic year."

Master in Research and Innovation in Curriculum and Training (University of Granada). I have received a research initiation grant at the Department of Didactics and School Organization of the University of Granada. In addition, I have received a collaboration grant from the Ministry of Education in the same department. Linked to both scholarships I have made various publications, including articles, book chapters in publishers such as Dykinson and Octaedro publishing houses, focusing on active methodologies, social networks and ICT. In addition, I have participated in conferences making communications and as an assistant, collaborator and scientific committee, as well as in conferences, seminars and different courses. Also, I have collaborated in innovation projects at the University of Granada

Blanca Berral-Ortiz, Universidad de Granada

I’m graduated in Early Childhood Education from the University of Granada, obtaining an average grade of 9,161. Getting the paid award for "best records for the 2019-2020 academic year.

University Master's Degree in Research and Innovation in Curriculum and Training (University of Granada). I have received a Collaboration Grant from the Ministry of Education in the Department of Didactics and School Organization. Likewise, a scholarship for Initiation to Research in Master's degree in the same department at the University of Granada. Linked to both scholarships I have carried out various publications such as articles, book chapters (Dykinson and Octaedro) focused mainly on active methodologies, ICT, social networks, appropriate or abusive use of technologies, among others. In the same way, I have participated in congresses both as an assistant, collaborator and scientific committee and as a communications director. Also, I have collaborated in innovation projects at the University of Granada

Juan Carlos De la Cruz-Campos, Universidad de Granada

Interim Substitute Hired Professor. Doctor in Education from the University of Granada, Bachelor of Science in Physical Activity and Sports and Diploma in Teaching specializing in Physical Education from the University of Granada and Master in Research in Physical Activity and Sport from the University of Malaga. Expert in Personal Training from the University of Granada and Superior Sports Technician Level III in Soccer. He is a member of the AREA Research Group (HUM-672) since February 2020. He has experience as a teacher in Compulsory Secondary Education and as a member of the Management Team of the Educational Center. He currently teaches full-time in official degrees from the University of Granada, Double Degree in Teaching and Science of Physical Activity and Sports, Degree in Early Childhood Education and Degree in Social Education and Master's Degree in Teaching at the Melilla Campus.


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