Design Thinking and social networks in the training of future teachers: creativity and digital communication




Published: 11-02-2023



The rapid technological and cultural changes in today's society have inevitably affected the field of education. Future teachers must be prepared to meet the challenges of this changing society. An interesting tool for adapting to change and resolving conflicts is creativity. Moreover, in this society communication, especially in the digital environment, is essential. This paper shows the results of a project in which Design Thinking methodology and social networks are used to promote creativity and communication in students of degrees related to the educational world. To analyze the impact, a quantitative study was conducted by collecting student perceptions through a questionnaire. A total of 163 students from education degrees at the University of Jaén (Spain) participated in the study. The results show a change in their perception of their creativity and communication, along with other dimensions analyzed. Therefore, it is concluded that it is interesting to introduce both this methodology and social networks in teacher training as a preparation for the future educational challenges they will have to face in an increasingly digitized world.



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Supporting Agencies  

Institute of Studies of Jaén

How to Cite

Llorent-Vaquero, M., & Ortega Tudela , J. M. (2023). Design Thinking and social networks in the training of future teachers: creativity and digital communication. Hachetetepé. Scientific Journal of Education and Communication, (26), 1203.

Author Biographies

Mercedes Llorent-Vaquero, Universidad de Sevilla

Received the PhD in Education from the University of Seville. From 2014 to 2018, she worked as a part of the Research Teaching Staff Assistant at the University of Seville. From 2018 to 2022 she was a professor at the Department of Pedagogy of the University of Jaen. Since February 2022, she is the beneficiary of a postdoctoral contract at the University of Seville. Her academic interest areas are educational technology, inclusion and innovation.

Juana María Ortega Tudela , Universidad de Jaén

Holds a PhD in Psychopedagogy from the University of Jaén and is a professor in the Department of Pedagogy at the University of Jaén. Lines of research: Information and communication technologies, attention to student diversity and effective learning strategies, connected with the Service-Learning methodology.


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