No. 2: Monográfico
“Yo hablo o él/ella habló?” How to counteract the tendency to produce “equal stress” in apraxia of speech to mark stress contrasts in verbal forms in Spanish?
The golden mean: A systems biology approach to language disorders
Distinguishing DD from SLI. Language profiles of Italian dyslexic children with and without specific language impairment
Dysarthria from the interaction between speech therapy and acoustic phonetics. Monitoring and rehabilitation to obtain a “functional voice”
Dialectology in the training of speech therapists: the case of the spanish of Peru
Perspectives of chatbot technologies and their application to language assessment interviews
Dismantling “myths” of and from bilingual pathology
The value of peculiar speech in the linguistics of today and (almost) always
Pragmatic assessment of lan-guage in children with low prevalence chromosomopa-thies
The dysarthric disorder in motoneuron disease. a descriptive study
Iconic semiosis in the development of child language
Pragmatic-functional paradigm in aphasia rehabilitation
Linguistic deficits of charge syndrome. Case study
Similarities and differences in the linguistic deficit of two huntingtonian cases with similar medical variables
Dyslexia in the context of second language learning and teaching
Linguistic disorder in parkinson´s disease. statistical approach to a study with variants
Lexical stress assignment errors in a spanish speaking child with asd: language delay or autism spectrum symptom?