Digital teaching. Especifics competences in university professors




Published: 11-04-2023



The objective of the study was to compare the specific competencies for digital teaching in different university professors according to academic variables of interest. It had a quantitative approach and a non-experimental design with comparative scope. A total of 114 professors from an Ecuadorian and a Spanish university participated. The data were obtained through the Online Tutor Functions and Competencies Scale. Most of the professors showed all the specific competencies for virtual teaching with frequencies ranging from 81.6% to 100%. The results of the Kruskal-Wallis H-test showed no statistically significant differences in the comparisons made. Among the participants there was a predominance of those with less than six years of academic experience, those who worked full-time in teaching, those who preferred the face-to-face modality and those who stated that they did not perceive that they had problems with virtual teaching. No significant differences were identified between the groups studied and the specific competencies for the development of teaching.



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Supporting Agencies  

The study was approved and financed by the Research Directorate of the Universidad Nacional de Chimborazo through Resolution 138- CIV-7-7-2021.

How to Cite

Roque Herrera, Y., Alonso García, S., Cañas Lucendo, M., & Pilco Guadalupe, G. A. (2023). Digital teaching. Especifics competences in university professors . Hachetetepé. Scientific Journal of Education and Communication, (26), 1104.

Author Biographies

Yosbanys Roque Herrera, Universidad Nacional de Chimborazo

Professor at the National University of Chimborazo, with undergraduate training in Aerofotogeodesta Engineer and Master's Degree in Higher Education in Health Sciences, with doctoral training at the University of Jaén. With 20 years of teaching experience in Cuba and Ecuador, participant in different research projects and in more than 80 scientific publications.

Santiago Alonso García, Universidad de Granada

Teacher of Early Childhood Education, Degree in Psychopedagogy and PhD from the University of Granada (SPAIN), with 14 years of experience at different levels of the Spanish educational system and in higher education in Latin America. Member of the AREA Research Group of the UGR. Participant in more than 40 projects (research, innovation, ERASMUS+, R+D+I), with more than 80 publications (books, book chapters and articles).

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Manuel Cañas Lucendo, Universidad Nacional de Chimborazo

Doctor in Clinical Psychology, Master in Cognitive Psychology University of Buenos Aires- Argentina, Doctor (PhD.) in Psychology at the Universidad del Salvador in Buenos Aires, Argentina. 10 years of teaching experience at the National University of Chimborazo and the Catholic University of Ecuador, Ambato. Editor of the Eugenio Espejo Magazine of the Faculty of Health Sciences of the National University of Chimborazo (UNACH). To date, she has participated in several scientific research projects and has more than 30 scientific publications.

Gina Alexandra Pilco Guadalupe, Universidad Nacional de Chimborazo

Degree in Psychology, Doctor (PhD.) in Neurology. 5 years of teaching experience at the National University of Chimborazo, the Catholic University of Ecuador, Ambato and the University of La Rioja. Editor of the Eugenio Espejo Journal of the Faculty of Health Sciences, National University of Chimborazo (UNACH). To date, he has participated in several scientific research projects and has more than 30 scientific publications.


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