What is the notion of Antibiotic Resistance of pre-service teachers from the “One Health” approach?




Science Teacher Education
Published: 18-06-2024



Antibiotics resistance (AR) constitutes a problem that can be tackled from the One Health (OH) approach. However, it has not been addressed in science education from this integral perspective. This research seeks to analyse the AR notion of pre-service teachers in two Spanish universities and to what extent do they integrate the concept of contagion from the OH approach. The individual responses to a questionnaire about AR were coded according to the resistant subject and the mechanism for resistance mentioned. The references they made to contagion as well as to the interactions between human, environmental, and animal health were also analyzed. The results show that they have an AR notion inconsistent with the current scientific view, and lack a systemic view of the problem coherent with the notion of OH. Implications to improve its adequate understanding and teaching are proposed.



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Supporting Agencies  

Universidad del País Vasco UPV/EHU, Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación (MCI) de España

Author Biography

Inés Martínez-Pena, Departamento de Didácticas Aplicadas, Universidad de Santiago de Compostela

PhD Molecular Biology (University of  Santiago de Compostela (USC)). Associate researcher in RODA research group (USC) in Science Education.


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